No. 1 Somalia (tie)
The East African country suffers from a weak national government riddled with crooked officials. Somalia, with its many poor people and 1,880-mile coast, is also a breeding ground for piracy. The bandits look for easy prey in the crowded shipping routes of the Red Sea.
腐敗在世界上五分之二的國家中越演越烈,揮之不去的貧窮、不穩定的政治和犯罪又滋養了腐敗。根據名為國際透明組織的國際監察組織最近的調查,從百分比來看,被認為是腐敗的國家有了輕微的下降。但這只不過是因為其年度研究的樣本數增加了 17 個國家而已。
根據其觀察的 180 個國家的排名,包括希臘、印度、墨西哥、巴西、沙烏地阿拉伯和泰國等在內的 132 個國家的指數小於 5。而包括阿根廷、巴基斯坦和俄羅斯在內的 56 個國家的指數低於 3,這個水準意味著腐敗極為猖獗。
國際透明組織研發的指數範圍從 0 至 10,最低數字代表腐敗感越強。這個指數基於國家專家、業務官員、人權監察員和其他人在世界範圍內的調查。
根據最新的指數,得分最高的國家是紐西蘭、丹麥和芬蘭,他們的指數都是 9.4分。在排名的底部,也就是腐敗感最強的地方,索馬利亞和緬甸(聯邦)以 1.4 分並列墊底。
這種區別也與經濟現實息息相關。得分在 3 分以下的國家中有四成被世界銀行定為低收入國家。如果政府弱勢或者掙扎於權力鬥爭之中,那就更無助於防止腐敗。
而今年更是有過之而無不及,五月份,緬甸(聯邦)在遭受本國歷史上最具破壞力的颶風之後政府阻撓國際救援的努力,颶風造成約 13 萬人死亡。美國第一夫人 蘿拉‧布希領導了反對軍閥集團的積極運動,號召國際機構向其施加壓力以促進民主。
索馬利亞也有自己的問題,一切都極度動盪不安,而且在海岸不遠的地方海盜越來越多。自年初開始,亞丁灣的海盜攻擊報告至少有 24 起。脆弱的政府和豐富的自然資源帶來的雙重嚴重打擊更是讓腐敗火上澆油,尤其是那些個人的貪婪橫行無忌,無須擔心控訴的地方。在國際透明組織排行榜中名列第 10 的幾內亞">赤道幾內亞
附近的剛果民主共和國與幾內亞並列第 10。政府官員直接向礦業公司伸手要錢。這個國家擁有某些最被追捧的大宗商品的豐富儲量:銅、金、鈾和鉭礦石。
然而,也有希望。一些非洲國家比去年展示了顯著的改進,包括塞席爾群島(從第57 降到了第 63)、南非(從第 43 降到了第 51)和史瓦濟蘭(從第 84 降到了第 121)。國際透明組織說這些躍升意味著真正的改革努力可以在與腐敗感的鬥爭中有所幫助。
非洲之外,許多比去年有好轉的國家位於東歐:克羅埃西亞(從第 64 降到了第69)、捷克共和國(從第 41 降到了第 46)、馬其頓(從第 84 降到了第 105)和羅馬尼亞(從第 69 降到了第 84)。而義大利從第 41 降到了第 45。
第一名 緬甸聯邦(並列)
No. 1 Myanmar (Burma) (tie)
The Burmese government drew widespread international criticism after it hindered international relief efforts following a deadly cyclone. The government, which tied for the top spot in perceived corruption, doesn't tolerate dissent. Last year, the military regime in this Southeast Asian nation brutally suppressed protests by democracy activists and monks.
第一名 索馬利亞(並列)
第三名 伊拉克
No. 3 Iraq
With plenty of American money pouring in and the Iraqi public sector struggling to rebuild itself, corruption is rife in this Middle Eastern country. "Corruption and smuggling have diverted government revenues potentially available for rebuilding efforts," said the U.S. Government Accountability Office in a report last year. Even more worrisome is that some of the money is being used to fund the Iraq insurgency. (See "The Energy Underworld.")
第四名 海地
上個月,一位著名的海地銀行家在競選總理失敗之後抨擊了腐敗的立法者。“在競選程式最開始的時候我就面對著腐敗的力量,”他告訴記者。這是該加勒比海國家在腐敗感上排名第 4 的良好理由。
No. 4 Haiti
Last month, a prominent Haitian banker railed against corrupt legislators after his bid for prime minister was thwarted. "At the very beginning of the process, I was confronted with the forces of corruption," he told reporters. It's a fair excuse in this Caribbean nation, which ranked fourth in perceived corruption. The poorest country in the Western Hemisphere hopes to make progress under the democratically elected president and parliament that came into power in 2006.
第五名 烏茲別克斯坦(並列)
No. 5 Uzbekistan (tie)
Houston oil services company Baker Hughes pleaded guilty last year to making improper payments to get jobs in a number of countries. One was Uzbekistan. There's a lot more going on in this former Soviet republic. The country was ranked the fifth worst at having honest officials. Sadly, it also finished at the bottom of a recent ranking of the world's happiest countries. (See "Chasing Happiness.")
No. 5 Tonga (tie)
This archipelago nation in the South Pacific is the only country in the area ruled by a monarchy. The government, which relies heavily on foreign aid, hopes to clean things up. It appointed its first anti-corruption commissioner this month.
No. 7 Sudan (tie)
Sudan tied for the seventh most corrupt nation in the world, and that's not even its most pressing problem. A military conflict that erupted in Western Sudan in 2003 has tormented citizens. The CIA estimates the conflict has displaced nearly 2 million people and caused between 200,000 and 400,000 deaths.
No. 7 Chad (tie)
Although a three-decade civil war ended in 1990, unrest has been common since then. Earlier this year, rebels attempted to take the country's capital. In one of Chad's more egregious examples of government unscrupulousness, funds that were supposed to have been used to feed the hungry were diverted to buy arms. (See "Chad's President Faces Opposition.")
No. 7 Afghanistan (tie)
Despite the toppling of the Taliban and the installation of the its first democratically elected president, the country is struggling to make progress on corruption. Unfortunately, it is also one of the world's most dangerous destinations. Terrorists frequently attack political leaders, military personnel and Westerners.
No. 10 Laos
No. 10 Guinea
No. 10 Equatorial Guinea